This Video is about our first foray into vlogging. An interesting challenge to be the actor, and be yourself, in your own production. We are still finding our groove so to speak and hopefully we will build on the theme that runs through our other projects. The making of this little video makes a chilled picnic look effortless, but it has been rewarding putting it all together. Diane has jumped right on board in all the production phases with filming, editing and choosing the soundtrack. Please give us feedback in the comments section.
Red Hill Picnic

Loved the footage… Need to see more ❤️😍💕🙏🙏
Haha …we are getting there, thanks for the compliments! Remember to Subscribe to the Youtube channel and be the first to know. 😍
This is SO cool. I absolutely love it! 😁💛 You look like naturals!
Loved it! Especially as it felt as if you were taking us on your trip. Aerial view added to the sense of place and travel.
Bwahahah! Loved it you pair of nutters! Bring on more #saltchipslife and plenty of those special home made salads! Und DerRikki might even approve of the Muziek too…😆 🙌🏼
Very very nice, Peterrrr! x
Thanks darlink!
Haha glad you enjoyed – there will be more to come. Fasten your seatbelt.
Thank you cake making champion!😘
Great! It struck a note. Still learning as we go. More to come. Send love 😘